How to make money online

How to make money online

How to make money online

From 2020 onwards, everyone must have thought once about how to earn money online.

It is becoming very important in today's time that with time we also keep updating ourselves.

Perhaps Covid-19 has taught us this very well. People who were not active online during this pandemic,

Those who depended only on offline work. Only they know how in this difficult time

Take care of yourself and your family.

And on the other hand, for those who were already active online, this is also a difficult time.

As if it had come as a gift. Because at this time the whole world was at home. There was no offline option.

In such a situation, people were forced to take every service online. and had an online business

He gave a good welcome to the people. Whose online market was deserted before covid,

They are not able to handle the customer since covid.

online business after covid 19

And it is not at all that due to Covid, the online market or online services started.

Rather, even before the world was moving towards online, Covid just accelerated it.

By now you must have also realized how fast the world is moving towards the online market.

You searched this topic how to earn money online and we are reading this post, it means

Do you want to do something online? And that is absolutely right. We need to change our source of income over time.

Need to increase. We cannot depend on a single resource.

How to make money online for beginners

How to earn money online

As you continue to read this post of ours, you will understand that working online

Easier and more intuitive than working offline. Online you have more money to earn and

There is a good advantage of using your time in your own way. It is not necessary in online

That you wake up every morning and go to your office. You can manage your work by staying in your bed.

You can make more money than you expected as compared to offline work. Everything will depend on your ability and hard work.

If you want to know how to earn money online, then let me tell you that there are many ways to earn money online.

I will also tell you which one should you choose among all the online options.

You have to learn many things before coming online and earning money. And it is very important.

If you try to do things without learning without testing, you will just keep trying.

And nothing will work except disappointment and failure.

Let me tell you that earning money by coming online is not as easy as we sometimes think.

Making money online can be a child's play for you, but for this you have to learn things first.

You have to learn what you should do online, how things work,

And how can you move forward in that?

ways to earn money online

Before earning money online, you need to know what are the ways to earn money online.

As I have already told you that there are many ways to earn money online. here i you

I will tell you the easiest ways to earn money online. Even if you are new to the field of online

You will easily be able to start earning money very soon by learning these things as soon as possible.

All the ways I will tell you to earn money from online, you should choose any one of them.

If you can manage more than one job then you can choose more than one.

Ways on how to make money online

Affiliate Marketing
Social Media
. Instagram
. Facebook
. Telegram
. Email Marketing
Online Earning Websites
Online Earning Apps
E book
Sell ​​Your Apps
Content Writing

What is blogging ?

What is blogging? Blogging is like a website where the collection of information is globally

is done on the Internet. Information in blogging is mainly in writing. but currently

According to the demand of time, photos, audios and videos are also being archived in the blog.

If you are aware of any topic, then you can share your information with your blog.

Through this you can reach the people of the whole world. and you have to do so much

Equipment will not be needed. You can use your mobile from your home

Or you can easily do it through laptop. You just have to be connected to the internet.

A blog can be done by an individual or by a group of individuals. google you

And there is only a bunch of information uploaded by people like us.

Whatever information we take by searching on the Internet, it is already available to you on the Internet.

And someone like me has uploaded those information through his blog.
The information we are looking for on the Internet, if someone has uploaded the information related to it earlier.

If not done, we will not find any information on searching the internet.

Google itself encourages us to upload information on the Internet. as well as us

Google even pays us to do this. And also provides its own tool ( for blogging for free. Hopefully you must have guessed what blogging is.

How to earn money from blogging

How to earn money from blogging . To earn money from blogging, first you have to determine your niche. Nich means on which subject do you want to publish information or information in the Internet.

Choose a topic on which you are complete or interested in you. on which you

Can give post or article or information.

It is very important that the topic on which you want to start blogging,

Be interested in that Only then can you be successful in blogging for a long time without getting disappointed.
After choosing a topic according to your interest and skill, you have to do a keyword search.

Keyword search i.e. in the heading of the topic you are going to write and

Such words have to be used in the whole post, the words which people search by writing on Google.

That is to say, suppose you have a blog related to fitness. And you are writing a post in which you have to give some information related to fitness. So you have to use such words in the heading of your post and the entire post, the words which people are searching by writing on Google for information related to fitness. Now the question comes that how to find such words which are being searched on Google. There are many keyword search tools for this. Some of which are free and some are paid. You can use them. Blogging se paise kaise kamaye.

how to make money from blogging

After keyword research, you have to write a post. And the post has to do SEO. SEO (search engine optimization) is a big topic. We will come to you in a separate post on this. After writing at least 20 - 25 posts, you have to apply for ads to your blog in Google Adsense. After applying, if you get approval, then Google will run ads in your blog post. For which Google will give you money. From here you can earn a lot of money. The more people will come to your post. The more money you can make. You can make a lot of money not only from Google Ads but also from paid promotion. If you ask how much money we can earn from blog, then the answer will be that we can earn millions. But everything depends on your work and way of working.

Affiliate Marketing

what is affiliate marketing - Affiliate marketing is to be said in simple and simple words, then promoting the product of any company and selling it. That is, you become the link between the company and the customer in Affiliate Marketing. And you become Affiliate Marketer. In Affiliate Marketing, neither your company, nor the product are yours, nor do you need to store the product. All you have to do is join the Affiliate Program of any company and sell the product of that company. The product you are selling, the commission that the company has kept for selling that product. It will go directly to your account. In today's time, most money is earned from online in Affiliate Marketing.

How to start affiliate marketing

Before starting affiliate marketing, you have to first select the niche i.e. product like blog, what kind of product you want to sell. If you are a beginner, do not focus on selling too many products at once, in this case you will fail. Because in today's time the competition is very high. You should grab one product and focus on it. After this you have to find the company that provides the facility of affiliate program. Also, you have to see whether the product you want to sell is with that company or not. You can register by visiting a platform like commission junction .where almost all companies will be found that run affiliate programs.

After choosing the product and company, the most important thing is where and how you will sell the product. For this, you should have a lot of audience online, whom you can tell about these products. For this you can create a blog (website). Where you can invite people to buy it along with giving complete information about the product. Another way you can create a page or group on Facebook. You can also promote on Instagram. Similarly you can use Telegram and other social media. If you are a youtuber, and have a good number of subscribers on your channel, then this task becomes very easy for you. If you do not have a YouTube channel, then definitely start. Do you know Amazon affiliate is best for beginners.

Amazon affiliate

Amazon affiliate has proved to be the most effective in affiliate programs. In Affiliate programs Amazon is the best platform for any new affiliate users. The most important thing about amazon affiliate is that when you promote any product of Amazon.

So not only do you get a commission on the purchase of that product, but also from your affiliate link when someone visits Amazon.

So within 48 hours, whatever other product will be purchased by that person, its commission will also go to your account. Whereas this is not the case in other affiliate programs. All types of products will also be available to you in amazon affiliate. You will be able to do whatever kind of product you want to promote.

And Amazon's market is also very good, due to which you will not have much problem in promoting. And there is a possibility of more and more commission.


Online money can also be earned from trading, share market, and mutual funds. By trading, you can make a lot of money in a very short time, but the risk remains equally high. There are many applications for trading that can be used after downloading them on your phone. Here you have to guess, what will be the condition or direction of the market? If you guess correctly, you can make a lot of money. But you will also lose your invested amount if the estimate is wrong. So play it at your own risk.


In today's time there will be no mobile user who has never played YouTube. YouTube is pre-installed in every smartphone. We spend a lot of time on YouTube and we do not even know. To the people who watch YouTube just for entertainment, I want to tell you that you should not watch the video, be the watcher of the video. If you create a channel on YouTube, which is absolutely free at present. Whatever work you are expert in, or whatever you know, to share with people, then create a channel on YouTube. If you work hard and people like to watch your videos, then you can make a lot of money online sitting at home.

Social Media

Through social media like Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, email, you can also earn money sitting at home online. Many people spend hours on social media just for fun and time-pass. In such a situation, people earning online are also making a lot of money from social media.

You can create a page on Facebook. If you have a good number of followers in your Facebook page, then you can monetize your page. After which ads will be run on your page. For whom you will continue to get money. Also, you can choose a product and sell it, from where you will get affiliate earning. And by talking directly to the company for the promotion of any product, make money from them.

But for all this, your page should have a good number of followers. Similarly, you can also make money from Instagram. By turning your Instagram account into a professional account by giving content on any one topic in it. Similarly, you can also use Telegram.

Online Earning Websites

In recent times, many online earning websites have come up. You can give your profile by signing up in these websites. Register your complete bio-data there. As soon as there is any work according to your profile and ability, then you will get its information. And you can make money by doing that work. For this you have to be proficient in any one job.

Online Earning Apps

As there are many online earning websites. Similarly, there are many online earning apps too. You can easily find such applications in places like Play Store. Although not much can be earned from them,

but will definitely earn something daily.


If you are very good in one field like learning computer or giving financial advice in marketing or in any field, then you can sell your information online by writing your service like a book . You can also earn a lot of money by selling this kind of service to people on the internet.

Sell ​​Your Apps

If you are an app developer. If you have a good grasp on coding and C++, you can still earn a good amount. By selling the app you made. In the online market, people are ready for a good price to buy a good app.

Content Writing How to make money online

If you like to write in any subject. Even then you can make a lot of money online. People hire content writers for their website. And you can charge money from them per article or blog. Or if you get work for a long time, you can take payment for months.

You will be given a topic, you should be able to write a good SEO friendly article,

blog or news on that topic. There are many such websites, where people look for Content Writers. Just keep registering yourself on those websites.

By Editing How to make money online

In today's time you know how much video content plays. You just watch YouTube. Today, instead of doing Google for any information, people have started going towards YouTube Because here information

is given through video which is more attractive and effective.

How many videos are being uploaded to YouTube every day . In such a situation, it has become necessary for every video creator to learn video editing. But this art is not for everyone. In such a situation, people search for video editors who can edit their videos. Not only this, those who know editing also take the help of editor to save their time. In such a situation, if you learn editing, then it becomes a way for you to earn money online.

By Photography How to make money online

There was a time when photography did not matter much in the life of the people therefore They was only used

to earn some money in marriage. But in today's time, the level of those who come to photography has become very high. Because now people are needing a photographer everywhere. Like video editing in online, photography is also very much craze. And this is also a better way to earn money online, although it requires hard work offline as well.

So these are the ways by which you can earn money online. If you can do something in any of these areas, then you too can earn money online. If you are not aware of any of these areas, then it does not matter. You have these things. So give yourself time for that. If you want to know in detail about any of the above methods, then comment us below. We are ready to give a detailed information on each and every topic.

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